Acquisition strategy

Wall to Wall Group operates in a market with good growth prospects but that is also relatively fragmented. This is the case both within and outside the Nordic region. That is why the company views acquisitions as a natural way of growing the company. In the first instance, the company wants to immerse itself in existing business areas but is also interested in other related services aimed at property owners and that can thus be sold and provided through the same channel.
Wall to Wall Group has been partly built through acquisitions, which means that there is a great deal of internal experience and knowledge associated with this. Wall to Wall Group regards acquisitions as a partnership and primarily seeks to acquire companies run by like-minded people. The company’s acquisition model means that such companies are offered a partnership where the purchase price is divided between cash and shares in Wall to Wall Group, as well as an additional purchase price that is paid over time based on the achievement of jointly agreed goals. Exceptions may occur, for example, when acquiring companies with a different type of ownership structure, where the selling party is looking for a different and better owner for continued development of the business.